Sunday, July 24, 2011

What do I do?

School is starting very soon.... I was excited, but now? Not so much. I just don't wanna do the work. I have been so lazy the past year, school is going to be a lot to handle. However, I don't know if I am going to go part-time or full-time yet.. I am for sure taking music theory 1, aural perception 1, and english (online). But if I decide to go full-time, I would have to add choir, private piano lessons, and another general ed. class. I really just don't know what I am going to do, and what I can handle.

Oh yeah! I guess I didn't really mention that I am going to CGCC. But you probably figured out that it wasn't highschool. Maybe not? Oh well! Now you know. Anyways.. So, my reasoning behind thinking that I can handler going full-time is that I was already going to join a choir outside of school, because I love choir. I am already taking private piano lessons, and if I take them at the college they are free if I go full-time. Finally, I would just have to take another core class. Which isn't really a big deal.

I kinda am excited for college, other than the work. Haha. I do like work though. It keeps you busy. As long as there isn't too much. Haha. Also, I love to learn. Especially about music.

Oh yeah (again)! I met with a dude that is over music at CGCC. He gave me an outline of what to take over the next 4 semesters so that I can go for the major I want and already have 64 of the credits! So, that's another reason to go full-time. I can just get done that much quicker, not that I am in a hurry.. Haha.

I would like to major in piano performance. Just so you know..


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